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  • 執筆者の写真Cozy


The Metropolitan Museum of Art 。略してThe Met。


そんなThe Metの数あるオフィシャルマーチャンダイズの中で、特に人気なのがこちらのChampion REVERSE WEAVEのSweat Shirtになります。

Sweat ShirtのClassicなカラーといえばのHeather Greyに合わさるシンプルなThe Metのシルクスクリーンプリント。円安がかなりすごいことになっていますが(10/21現在で150円!)若干の円安時に買い付けていたのでプライスはそのままにしています。


はやく色々落ち着いてもらってラフに現地に行きたいです。The Metに思いを馳せて、、、

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, or The Met for short.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the four major art museums in the world, and its collection is said to be two to three million pieces.

Among the many official merchandises of The Met, this Champion REVERSE WEAVE Sweat Shirt is especially popular.

The Met's simple silkscreen print on the sweatshirt's classic color, Heather Grey, is a great way to show off the Met's unique style. The yen has been very weak (150 yen as of 10/21!), but I was able to buy it when the yen was slightly weak. We purchased this item when the yen was slightly weak, so we have kept the price the same.

The fact that it has been worn by various celebrities is also a point of excitement, but the best thing about it is that it is simple and easy to use. I can't wait to have it all settled down and go to the site in a rougher look, thinking of The Met...





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